Chakra’s And Healing, What are Chakras, Why do we balance them?

Chakra’s and Healing

When I’m working with clients or within a group i use one of the most effective and powerful tools to promote self healing and well being that is to balance your chakra’s.
I can balance them through my hands on touch, through guided meditation or through distance healing.


What are our Chakra’s i hear some of you say?
Why do we balance them?
What is their purpose?

Chakra’s means “wheel” and can be described as wheels of light or life. Energy workers will sense or see them as spinning wheels of energy that are cone like in shape with no front or back varying in depth, brightness, speed, width, hue & size.They are essential to the wellbeing of all living things.

Chakra’s are the energy portals that receive assimilate and express all life force energy that flows through them.
Each chakra is responsible for specific glands and organs in our physical field, as well as governing emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our energy bodies.
Our four invisible energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) that surrounds us makes up our aura, chakra’s and meridians.
Meridians & Nadis are like invisible veins transporting energy through the body and the chakra’schakra-meditation-spiral

There are seven major chakra’s that you will first learn about.
Root – Red- Survival, Procreation, Creation
Sacral– Orange Sexuality, Relationships, Emotions
Solar– Yellow Power Creativity, Emotions
Heart– Green/Pink Unconditional Love, Compassion
Throat– Blue Communication and Self Expression
Third Eye– Indigo Intuition
Crown – Violet Spiritual Connection


Possible imbalance in any of these Chakra’s can show up as anything from insecurity, arthritis, low energy, headaches, tension, stress, sleep problems metabolism to thyroid issues and many more problems.

By opening yourself up to the powerful natural healing of Reiki energy work, balancing your Chakra’s and meditation you can begin to greatly improve on any of the problems above or others that you may have .
You will see and feel a increased vitality and well being within you allowing you to be free to enjoy and embace life fully again.Chakra-Color-Gemstone-Essential-Oil-Chart-3

Crystal and essential oils can assist in balancing your chakra’s also. Seek advice from your qualified and trained health practitioner before using any oils, with cyrstals its the one you are drawn too, that feels right in your hand, even if your drawn to it and it doesn’t feel right make a note of it’s name as you may not be ready yet for its healing properties or the release it may bring, you will use it in the furute when you are ready.

Contact Michelle today to schedule your treatment for balancing your chakras, I incorporate this into all of my treatments be it Reiki, Angel, Spiritual, Distance or Animal  Healing and also into my Reiki Meditation Groups.

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