
Crystals which your drawn to, what that means for you right now.

Having chosen the crystal you were drawn to from the list below, you can find out what each crystal may mean for you right now.

Also how the beautiful sparkly high vibration of that crystal can help and assist you with your health and over all well being.

Left to right

Red Jasper

Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies.

Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura.

It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance.

Red Jasper is marvelous for clearing the mind during meditation, prayer or contemplation. Its high spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long ceremonies or practices, and is helpful in establishing new spiritual disciplines. It is an excellent stone for shamanic journeying and astral travel, and provides vivid dream recall.

A valuable stone of protection, Red Jasper guards against physical threats and assists in situations of danger. Keep in the car to prevent accidents, theft or road rage, and place in the home or office to absorb electromagnetic and environmental pollution and radiation.

Wear two or three items of Red Jasper jewelry or a pouch of three small tumblestones to shield against psychic attack or when working with spirit rescue, potentially violent or psychologically disturbed individuals.

Red Jasper is a stone of passion and a token of all who consummate love. It encourages control in all things, and thus calms sexual aggressiveness, promotes sexual compatibility, and enhances tantric sex. It may assist women in overcoming a jealous love rival or unfair opposition to a relationship.

Red Jasper also stimulates passion in one’s creative work, manifesting new ideas and freshness, and the energy to continue a project even after the initial excitement has dwindled. Its energy brings focus and self-mastery.

Red Jasper is the crystal of actors, actresses and all connected with expressive and performing arts in becoming more sensitive to their audiences.

Red Jasper may be used as a professional support stone for all jobs requiring physical strength and stamina, from police officers to trades workers, waitresses and waiters, and other high activity professionals. It also brings energy, alertness and emotional endurance to accountants, computer operators, military personnel and all who must continuously be focused and on task.

Green Aventurine

Its considered the stone of opportunity, thought to be the luckiest of all crystals especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth.

It’s winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting ones chances in any situation.

One needs only to be near to derive its benefits.

It aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable.

Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place.

It can bring optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change.

It enhances ones creativity, motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Reinforces ones decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others.

An excellent stone for guessing houses or gardens against geopathic stress.

Wearing aventurine also absorbs electromagnetic smog and guards against environmental pollution.

It increases overall vitality and enhances the intellectual development of children struggling with schoolwork and destructive hyperactivity.

It assists adults with written work, typing and computer skills.

Green aventurine is particularly supportive of the heart and is excellent for those with cardiac conditions, circulatory problems or recovering from surgery or illness.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It helps with self esteem and self confidence. It is a stone that creates positivity and for self affirmation.

It is a universal stone that can be used all over the body to promote a feeling of calm and wellness. It is truly the stone of compassion and forgiveness.

It helps with patience, frustration and also for relationships, or clearing of past relationships.

In crystal healing Rose Quartz is used for healing of the heart, circulatory system, migraines, throat problems, kidneys, lungs, fibromyalgia, support during pregnancy and childbirth.

Putting a piece of rose quartz in your drinking water promotes a sense of calmness and clearing of the complexion.

It is a wonderful crystal for children and infants assisting with love, peace, harmony and calmness, promoting relaxation and sleep. Ideal for kids that are sensitive, or can calm aggressive tendencies. Ideal if there is compulsive behavioral tendencies.

Place in your bedroom, hallway, garden, bathroom, sitting room or study area as it creates calm.

Having a piece on your desk at work diffuses the energy and brings peace and calm.

It’s also a stone that creates wealth and abundant living.

Rose Quartz works really hard so needs to be cleansed regularly.


Purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions.

It is the stone of St. Valentine and faithful love.

It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality, yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.

In today’s world, Amethyst is still a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment, known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding, and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of loved ones.

Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition, and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. It is a talisman of focus and success.

Amethyst boosts production of hormones and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It eases headaches and releases tension.

This stone reduces bruising, injuries , swellings and treats hearing disorders.

It strengthens the immune system. Treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.


Is the premier stone of manifestation, imagination and personal will.

Carrying the power of the sun it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action.

It’s frequency awakens creativity and imagination, sustaining the process of transforming dreams into a tangible form.

With its pure yellow energy citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.

Natural citrine does not hold or accumulate negative energy but rather transmutes, dissipates and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment.

It works out problems on both the physical and subtle levels transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones.

It’s one of only two crystals that never need to be cleared.

Centre of crystals photo


This crystal creates conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It abandons pretense and breaks down reserve, as it is a stone of truth. It has a calming effect, mentally, and is an effective stress reducer.

Apophyllite used during a Reiki healing facilitates taking the patient into a deeper relaxed state.

It works on the respiratory system and when held to the chest can stop asthma attacks.

It neutralizes allergies and promotes regeneration of the mucous membranes and the skin.

Freely share the positive benefits you received from my blog.

To book your Reiki Energy Healing treatments with Elle Contact 087-9242921 or Pm her Facebook page

Love and light with gratitude to all of you beautiful souls who chose a crystal and took the time to read what your crystal meant to you.

Elle Aqua 💕💜💕

Loving you as you

You are all beautiful souls, capable to soar through all of life’s moments that will change your world in a matter of minutes.

These times will change you, let them make you stronger, kinder and more loving.

Don’t go and become someone that your not, cry and scream if you wish too.

Above all be yourself, if you water yourself down to please people or to fit in or to not offend anyone, you lose the power, the passion, the freedom and the joy of being uniquely you.

It’s much easier to love yourself when you are being yourself.

Loving you as you are in all of life’s moments will allow you to soar with grace and ease.

Know during your Reiki / spiritual energy healing session I simply hold space for you in a caring, loving, supportive way, not to fix, change or give you answers.

It’s simply a space where your soul is loved, your body is brought into balance empowering you to love yourself even more, soar higher and your inner light to shine brighter on even the darkest of days.

Love and light

Michelle 💜🌟💕

Appointments can be booked by pm me here or by contacting 087-9242921

Distance healing sessions also facilitated.

My Gift To Myself and My Daughter

Having turned 40 last December I was asked recently what I have learned so far in this amazing life that I wish to impart into the beautiful soul of my loving daughter as she grows up.

I have so much more to learn and so can only gift to her what I know now…………..thumbnail

“You will connect with many people throughout this life some for 5 minutes as complete strangers others 5 days or 5 years.

You can make no one stay, you own no one nor have a hold on anyone.

Only some of the people in this world will really like you, understand you and love you.

At times you will have no given comprehension of why friends have disconnected, why a lover has ended your relationship. People will remove themselves from your life with no warning, sometimes without your knowledge they will simply disappear.

This is not nor ever will be about you.

It is their choice as a free soul to live their life their way. Just like you will always have a choice whom you share your life with at any given moment.

The most loving and empowering gift I have given to myself is completely accepting that I don’t need to please anyone and in pleasing no one I can be true to my self in the most loving of ways, in turn give so much more love to all freely without the need to please.

It is ok not to be everyone’s friend. It is ok not to have everyone like me. I am enough just as I am.

If I was everyone’s friend then I would be nothing to me, I would be lost, living everyone’s else’s ideal of what my life is supposed to be, instead of living my life to the best version of me.

The peace of body mind and soul that I have reached and given to myself has resulted in enormous positive changes in my life going from pleasing others and not being true to myself to now choosing my truth allowing me the possibility to reach my full soul purpose potential.19366456_441670636193405_155029851037510583_n

Awareness of healthy thoughts and behaviours allows me to know when people pleasing is raising its head alerting me to choosing self-love and human compassion to me and others instead.

I hope you reach self-love, self-care, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-assurance quicker than me.

To realise and see you are the only person you need to fully love, please and respect.

In doing so you will save yourself the many fears and anxieties I spent many years overcoming.

Instead your soul will be full to bursting with kindness, peace, joy, contentment, compassion, understanding and a wealth of love for you which you can share with others in the healthiest of ways.15871725_356124361414700_5309152176696276170_n

Love your mind, your heart and your soul dear daughter with no judgement. Speak kindly to you about you as you are always listening.

Love from Michelle the lady  who loves you for the beautiful soul you are, not because i’m your mother and i’m meant too,  simply loving you as you.

The black Caterpillars Spirit message to me

“When Animals Spirit whisper to us they say give yourself this gift”.

Having simply popped out to my car the other night as I turned to go back through my front door I was stopped in my tracks, Black caterpillars crawled happily all over my front door, the walls either side and the ground beneath me.

2670950815_1b1a5aec6a_zCounting I reached 30, before stopping, not needing to count further as knowing this many caterpillar was an unusual sight my intuition instantly questioned what learning or message was in their presence for me.

Spirit animals will present themselves on three or more occasions if requiring getting our attention to impart help, assistance or guidance. One appearance can also suffice for those of us with an open awareness of our environment and the animals, birds, or insects which we meet be it daily or an irregular basis.

I share with you today the wisdom and significance of the caterpillars appearing at my front door.

thumbnailThose within my close circle of friends know I am undergoing huge change and transformation across all areas of my life. I embrace all this change with a loving heart, an open mind, and a soul willing to further seek out its true purpose.

Although a caterpillar has 12 eyes they are unable to see any images therefore relying on light and senses for direction. The spirit world encourages me to use and trust my intuition guiding me towards my soul purpose in this lifetime. When I have decisions to make trust the decision that feels right.

Caterpillars live for only 2-4 weeks before transforming into a butterfly or moth. I can expect positive changes in my life in the next 2-4 weeks.
Its safe for me to keep my secret or plans to myself for the moment while I may feel the need to unload now is not the right time to do so.

Caterpillar holds the beautiful grand dream of all it can be with no limitations. It seeks out and reaches to become its greatest expression of self, spirit, and soul. As I cast aside any limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, free myself from societies conforming opinions and my own inner fears I can simply achieve all of my dreams, becoming the best version of me, therein sharing upmost joy, love and light with all.

Putting all distractions aside the caterpillar follows the need and desire to evolve. A caterpillar teaches us to do the same.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Finding our power to transform in deep meditation, for us to retreat into our cocoon and emerge as a greater aspect of our selves.

Encouraging us to believe in the possibilities that with hope, intention, and faith all things are possible.

“Always remember that the grand and beautiful things have very humble beginnings” – Presley Love

We can choose to start over every day making each one extraordinary and more spectacular than the previous.

I am here as your Reiki Practitioner, Animal Communicator, and Spiritual Healer to help encourage and support you during your time of change just like I help myself or accept help from my mentors and friends.

We were never meant to do it all alone, yet we are enough just as we are.

Sending you all love and light beautiful souls.
Michelle xxx

Reiki Meditations with Michelle

Received this gorgeous butterfly glode today from an amazing mentor and friend,the message on the card I share with all of you to use in your own lives.

“A dreamer goes where others do not dare and sees beyond the ordinary moving with unlimited vision and purpose”
“There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way”
Thank you Noreen O’Neill Roche I’m so grateful to be living my soul purpose today.
A special thank you to all of the beautiful Clients & Friends who have come and experienced my Reiki Meditation Groups.

It was a new idea requested by a few lovely ladies would I run them, it has been a learning venture for me, understanding what people are looking for in regards to time out for themelves. After several weeks of trying various levels of meditations,I am delighted that we seem to have got a formual in the last few weeks that is gentle, relaxing, does not involve much thought just to be present and enjoy.
Now when you come you can expect a very relaxing body meditation. this will be followed by 1 or 2 really short positive simple meditations. Afterwards I’ll balance your chakras’s using distance reiki while you simply hold your hand over each chakra repeating positive affirmations.You can then try your hand with pendulum crystal questions. To complete the night we do lovely personal readings from our Angel, Animal, Dragon and many other oracle card decks offering you messages, guidance, support and encouragment.
Any one who has come and experienced please feel free to comment below with your feedback, it is through listending to peoples needs that we have found a sequence that you prefer.Reiki Meditations

I will always welcome new people into my groups, no experience necessary.

There is a group running every Wednesday, Each group meets every second Wednesday@8.30pm

Pm me

or contact me – Michelle @087-9242921 if you wish to join a group.

If you want to schedule a Private 1-2-1 Reiki Treatment I have day, evening and late appoinments to choose from.

Sending you all love today with gratitude.
Michelle xxx