Distant Healing

I also specialise in Distant Reiki Energy Healing for Humans and Animals.

“How Does distance Reiki really work?”

Second Degree Reiki Practitioners learn and receive three symbols, one of which is the “distance symbol.” When invoked and used by a Reiki practitioner, this symbol allows the practitioner to send healing Reiki energy across time and space.

This symbol can also be used in-person to help clear blockages from the past, or across large parts of the body. When practising Reiki on someone who is not physically present this symbol is used to connect to his or her energy.

Distance Reiki works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. As such, invoking this law during a distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link an object to the energy field of the recipient. I use the recipient’s photo, a name or intention to connect and send.

We can send Reiki energy to anyone simply by directing our thoughts and energy. We will discuss your Reiki Treatment by phone prior to scheduling a distance Reiki treatment at a prearranged time for you so your open to receiving the energy. I will follow up with a phone/skype call to discuss session.

Distance Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time, though it is best practice to seek permission in some way, for it to be invoked or received.

During sessions, which I often do via phone, Clients will feel the same energy sensations that a client feels during a physical session.

Pet owners will report their animal lying down, relaxing or seeming to tune into something else around them. (Animals are hugely receptive to Reiki and Distance Reiki )

Moreover, the clients I work with will relay the very same Reiki benefits back to me after a session. They report feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment, lightness, ease and relief from pain. My distance Reiki clients will report the same breakthroughs as those whom I work with in person. We all have access to this life force energy, otherwise known as our Chi, Qi or Prana as it flows through each and every living being.

In Chinese medicine Qi (or Chi) is the energy that exists within our bodies and within the universe it is the energy that exists everywhere.

With regards to alternative wellness trained and qualified alternative energy therapists can use this energy to help alleviate pain, improve circulation, and increase our sense of well-being.

Qi flows through lines in our body called Meridians. If you’ve experienced acupuncture before you’ve probably felt Qi, as it’s the pleasant tingling feeling flowing through you on a straight line. Qi is also the main principle behind Feng Shui.

Distance Reiki provides just one of many ways to link to and channel this energy for the healing benefit of others.

Book your skype call now with Michelle 087-9242921 to arrange a distance session.